Final piece as presented in public exhibition

Artist statement presented alongside final piece.

A multisensory, Immersive installation, inviting visitors to enter a tent with a hidden forest inside; attempting to answer the question of 'where we go in dissociation' through personal account.
Unlike a lot of my other work, this was a self-directed piece, with the help of other artists to help me in construction
With added elements, namely essential oils and audio via headphones, I exhibited this installation at my graduate showcase at UCA in Farnham in June 2022.
Thank you to: Claud Minchin, Adam Smyth, Clare Prouton

A research video conducted before the exhibition as a trial and a subsidiary to my submission.
I used this video and the responses from it to make small adjustments before public viewing, in which the piece had to be durable enough to withstand a month long exhibition and people interacting with the piece without my being there.
In regards to lighting, this was also a trial on set up, which ended up being ineffective and led me to build a small lighting rig to sit inside the tent for the final installation.
The animation elements of the video were also pieces used in the early planning stages of the project determining my own personal definition of a escapist space.