Copyright of Monoki Media and The Jam with Nate James
The Jam is a monthly live music event showcasing new and upcoming unsigned talent, hosted by Nate James.
The lighting and media recording of the night is put together and recorded by 'Monoki Media'; a company whom I work for on a regular basis.
Whilst they hand the videography and coordination of the event, I set up and manage the lighting for the acts and take live event photography through the night, which is then used under their licensing for social media and thumbnail content; sometimes including the artists own personal use

Erica Jean - Copyright of The Jam with Nate James and Monoki Media

Anthony Hughes - Copyright of The Jam with Nate James and Monoki Media

Miss Baby Sol - Copyright of The Jam with Nate James and Monoki Media

Ed Staal - Copyright of The Jam with Nate James and Monoki Media

Alice A - Copyright of The Jam with Nate James and Monoki Media

Alice A - Copyright of The Jam with Nate James and Monoki Media

Alice A - Copyright of The Jam with Nate James and Monoki Media